George Johnson, a member of our book club at The Soldier's
Home, Washington, DC, and a character in my book, "Remembering
With The Heart, Stories by America's Finest," is an avid reader and
has opened so many windows of learning for all fifteen of us that participate
in our weekly literary discussions. As
our book club looks forward to reuniting in person, we will continue on our
same trajectory of reading our books together, and sharing our thoughts via
email, texting, and even with phone conversations. Recently, I delivered gift bags to my book
club members. George Johnson shared his
sentiments that I would very much like to share with you:
“Hi Glenna, Thank you for your gift of books and
goodies. It was thoughtful and kind to
think of us hunkered down here at the Soldier's Home. We all miss our weekly meeting of the Book
Club. This current isolation brings to
light how important the book club had become to our members. I mentioned to Corrine Robinson that I was
going to EMAIL my thanks and she asked me to relay her thanks for your gift to
her. Hope you are well. I am truly looking forward to our next in
person club meeting. Sincerely, George”
Miss You All and Thank you, George, for these very kind words!
C. Orr (Reading Specialist & Director of The Kind Kids Organization)