"Summer Reading" for children of all ages has been
proven to improve kids' reading skills and increase their desire to read. According to the School Library Journal,
those who participate in summer reading programs not only mitigate any summer
learning loss, they can even show gains in their comprehension, and further
develop their memory skills.
Recently, I spent time at James K. Polk Elementary,
Alexandria City Schools, to observe a Reading Is Fundamental of Northern
Virginia book distribution. The
school-wide theme for the book distribution was "Camping and
Reading," a wonderful idea to begin the process of promoting 'Summer
Reading" throughout this community of learners. Alongside my writing, I have shared some
terrific photos of the First Grade Students at Polk Elementary having some fun
and enjoying their very special book.
Families can work together and play together as they improve
their reading skills not just in school, but throughout the entire year! So, visit your community public libraries,
share some of your personal favorite books with friends and families, and relax
with a good read!
Most grateful,
(Reading Specialist & Director of The
Kind Kids Organization)