A celebration that included the young and the not so young and all ages in between took place in small town U.S.A. just recently, and it was my honor to be a part of the festivities. Tucked away in rural Southwest North Carolina, and surrounded by the peaceful and calming Blue Ridge Mountains, is an area that my family has come to know and love very well. Our friends and neighbors are like family. So, when we were invited to attend a wedding, we didn't hesitate to post it on our calendar and know that our intentions would be to enjoy, to help, and to be a part of the week long wedding celebration.
I have known the bride since she was a young child. Her enthusiasm and energy for life have always been such remarkable qualities of her being, and these qualities were most present during the week long festivities that led to her wedding day. The bride, her parents, and all of the family and friends that supported this beautiful celebration drew love and energy from one another. And thus, even after the vows were spoken and guests headed to a family farm for the wedding reception, the bride and groom rejoiced, danced, and continued to draw love and support from their families, and their friends. Indeed, it was an Intergenerational Labor of Love.!
Most grateful, Glenna.