Sister Terry Martin, CND, has impacted people of all faiths
through her many years of dedicated work with both children and adults. Her spiritual riches, beautiful heart, and
creative soul has guided and taught people from all walks of life. Sister Terry celebrated becoming 90 years
young on February 2, at Immaculate heart of Mary Catholic Church, Hayesville,
North Carolina...she did so with 225 of her biggest fans present!

I have known "Terry" for over 20 years, and she
has been both a dear friend, and guiding light to myself and to my family.
Each and every time she sat around our dinner
table or joined us for an evening out on the town, we learned, from her,
laughed with her, and prayed with her-our lives have been all the better for
knowing and loving her.

In August of 2019, Sister Terry will celebrate her 70th
Jubilee as a CND.
Through her years of service,
"Terry" has been an elementary and high school teacher, formed GED
classes, renovated run down stores and community centers to provide education
facilities for people of all ages, and did these ministries in Canada,
Connecticut, New York, Vermont, Virginia, the south side of Chicago, and the
Bronx-wherever she was needed.
For the
past 28 years, Sister Terry has been living in Hayesville, North Carolina, and
serving the communities in Western North Carolina.
Her jobs as teacher, healer, and community
leader in Appalachia has afforded so very many people to become the
beneficiaries of her beautiful spirituality.
I will indeed remember "Terry's" birthday
celebration, for it was an evening of friends and families coming together to
share love and devotion, and to honor one very "Mighty Girl!"
Most grateful,