Recently, our book club completed "Team of
Rivals," written by Doris Kearns Goodwin.
Being the novice in regards to understanding the complexity of Abraham
Lincoln's illustrious cabinet, I found it mandatory to complete all reading
assignments prior to taking my place at the discussion table every Wednesday
afternoon. Our Sixteenth President,
Abraham Lincoln, was a genius. He
"brought out the better angels" in so many lives during one of the
most tumultuous times in the history of our country. While reading "Team of Rivals," I
learned much about Lincoln, and his over achieving, tenacious, and often times
challenging Cabinet Members.
There is one special writing about Lincoln embedded in
"Team of Rivals" that will remain with me for years to come. In reference to the emotional intelligence of
Abraham Lincoln, Daniel Goleman wrote, "Having hope means that one will
not give in to overwhelming anxiety, a defeatist attitude, or depression in the
face of difficult challenges or setbacks."
"Hope is more than the sunny view that everything will turn out all
right; it is believing you have the will and the way to accomplish your
goals." We can learn much from the
likes of our Sixteenth President.

I have included some photos with this writing...please take
a few moments to meet some of the members of my book club at AFRH.
Wishing each and everyone of you, "A Very Merry
Christmas And Health And Happiness In The New Year."
Most grateful,
Glenna (The Kind Kids