Beautiful decorations,
serene sentiments, and content residents are very much the part during the
holiday season, at The Armed Forces
Retirement Home, one of America's oldest veteran's retirement homes. I have known this wonderful campus since
1998. My introduction to AFRH, developed when I was asked to
collaborate an Intergenerational Partnership with Middle School Students of
Washington, D.C. and a nearby retirement center...and that is when I discovered
this gracious place. Presently, as I am
helping to facilitate a "Reading Buddy" partnership with the
residents of The Armed Forces Retirement
Home and The International Charter
School that resides on the campus of AFRH, I realize that some very worthwhile
and ideal initiatives will always have a place for a dedicated volunteer.
Time" at The Armed Forces Retirement
Home is both busy and celebratory.
Today, as I enjoyed a visit with Christine Baldwin, the Librarian of AFRH, I was reminded of the many
activities that are provided to the residents during this sentimental and
glorious time of the year. The
residents, staff members, and volunteers are all family at AFRH, and each and everyone has a place in each other's
The beautiful decorations
are everywhere-welcoming, comforting, and yet subtle in their own magnificent
way. There is something to behold for
everyone present!
Librarian, Christine
Baldwin called it "serendipitous" because lucky for me today,
resident Norma Rambow and I were able to catch up for a bit and share some
holiday spirit. Norma's daughter is
visiting from Michigan, and Norma and she are having a great time
together. Norma and I met for the first
time in February of this year. Norma
served in The United States Marine Corps
during WWII, and she guided me through some very detailed history as I was
writing my fifth book, Courage From The Heart. As well, Norma endorsed Courage From The Heart, and I am most grateful to her for this!
Please take some time to
view some pictures (more on Our Flickr Page) that I took while spending some "Christmas Time" at
The Armed Forces Retirement Home....
Most grateful,
Glenna C. Orr
Reading Specialist &
Director of The Kind Kids, Inc.