All For The Love Of Children And Reading
Being an Area Chairperson
of four Alexandria City Schools for Reading
Is Fundamental of Northern Virginia, gives me the opportunity to visit
schools and observe children and their school community at their very
best. And, along the way I have met
remarkable people. Mildred Rivera is one
of those individuals that certainly has her heart dedicated to children and she
is a true advocate for literacy.
I first met Mildred four
years ago at John Adams Elementary, Alexandria City Schools. Mildred's twin boys attended John Adam's
Elementary School and she was indeed their grandest cheerleader and their
utmost advocate. The mother of these
twin boys along with phenomenal volunteers of the John Adam's community, have
orchestrated fun, lively, and memorable Reading Is Fundamental book distributions
that have both delighted and educated the entire student body of John Adams
Elementary. It was always such an
uplifting experience to observe these students selecting their very own book to
take home, be a part of a well thought out educational experience, and to be
nurtured by the likes of Mildred Rivera.
Even though Mildred's
sons are now attending CARD (Center for
Autism and Related Disorders) Academy and Hammond Middle School in Alexandria, Virginia, Mildred continues to
volunteer at John Adams Elementary School and assists with the RIF book
distributions. Recently, while attending
a RIF book distribution at John Adams Elementary, Mildred and I were able catch
up and enjoy some lost time. In turn, we
decided to extend our conversation and meet later on in the week at a coffee
shop. I am so very glad that we
did! During our meeting, Mildred and I
talked about the books that I have written and she became interested in her
sons and their classmates having multiple copies of my books. I didn't hesitate to oblige, because I knew
very well that my donation of multiple copies of each of my four books would be
both enjoyed and very much appreciated.
A week or so after I
donated the books to Card Academy and
Hammond Middle School, I received a
bundle of heartwarming thank you notes (link) from the students of CARD Academy. As well, some kindly written notes of thanks
for sharing my books with the children and their families found their way to
me. Please take some time to read the
special thank letters that I received from students and their parents (Helena letter link)...I'm
certain that you will be inspired.
Most grateful, Glenna.